When you have tobacco smell in your home, it is not an easy thing to get rid of. This is why buying a home or a vehicle after a smoker owned it often gives most people a pause.

So what can you do if you are the proud new owner of a smoke-infused home? Unfortunately, you have quite a bit of work ahead of you. There is no substitute for cleaning the home well, but there are many nooks and crannies that need to be cleaned well to be able to get rid of the last traces of the smell. Even something as simple as a light bulb will give off a smell when turned on since the tobacco smoke creates a film on objects. You will notice when you scrub down the walls in your home that the water will turn yellow. You need to keep replacing the water and clean repeatedly until the water comes off clean. This will take several scrubbings.

Tobacco odor can also be contained in filters throughout your home, so replacing them will also help your situation.